
Chain Of Tools - Direct To Fan Marketing Live

Chain Of Tools - Direct To Fan Marketing Live

Conference /
, Germany

Direct to Fan marketing is a core requirement for anyone in the 21st century industry, whether an artist, manager, or part of a huge team at a global record label. But with a myriad of new engagement points with the music fan (record store, iTunes, Spotify, apps, Facebook etc) how do you effectively plan a release cycle? What effects and results can we expect from the various tools and services?

At this session we will plan a fictitous release which is tailor made by a panel of experts. Artist x (going or planing to go with label Y)  is planning to release his 3rd album in about three months.  What should he be doing now, up to and beyond the release to make the best use of all of the available tools. And how much will this cost him?

Ben Fields, Musicmetrics, Composer / Data Analysis Engineer, UK
Johnny Haeusler, Spreeblick, Musicians / Blogger, DE (Picture)
Patrick Ross, AWAL, Head of Digital Marketing, UK

Steve Mayall, MusicAlly , Managing Director, UK