Vision 2020
Vision 2020 - the role of recorded music in scenarios for musicians and their business partners (part I+II)
The more simple or basic the question, the more profound and complex the answer is. "How are musicians going to be paid for recorded music in 2020 ?", is one of these questions. And given all current developments in the European market it takes a broad concensus to answer it. In this session we will focus on what needs to be done on the policy level, rather than getting buried in what is actually happening. An international panel of experts will present and discuss "backwards" - from a vision on how we would like the business to look like by the end of this decade and what needs to be done to get there.
Paula Bialski, Paula i Karol (Band), Artsist, CAN / PL
Mark Chung, VUT, Chairman, DE
William Hope, Spotify, Head of Label Relations, UK
Petri Lundén, Hagenburg Management, Managing Director, SE
Philipp Runge, European Commission, Policy Officer, BE
Peter Jenner, Sincere Management, Managing Director, UK (Picture)
Jan Hendrik Becker, NDR, Journalist, DE