
The Agent’s Agenda: Good Times - Bad Times

The Agent’s Agenda: Good Times - Bad Times

Conference /
, Germany

Financial crisis, euro crisis, bad weather... these days the concert business isn't getting any easier. After the boom of recent years, the question is now: what consequences will the current crisis mood in Europe have for the concert market? One thing is certain: business was better before.

The concert business has always been about as speculative as trading commodity futures. And when you now have none other than Cliff Burnstein, Metallica's manager, telling the Wall Street Journal that he's moved up the band's European concert dates because of the euro crisis, then the time has come to talk about how good or how bad things are looking for the concert business.

Barnaby Harrod, Mercury Wheels, Managing Director, ES
Rense van Kessel, Friendly Fire, Managing Director, NL
Greg Lowe, The Agency, Agent, UK
Marc Lambelet, Black Lamb, Managing Director, CH
Claudio Trotta, Barley Arts, Managing Director, I

Greg Parmley, UK (Picture)