Music City The Hague
20.09.2012 18:00 - 22:00 headCRASH
18:00 - 20:00 Reception (invitation only or contact petra@atevents.nl
20:00 WOOT
21:00 DI-RECT
22.09.2012 13:30 - 17:00 Molotow Bar
14:10 Organisms
14:50 Bombay Show Pig
15:40 WOOT
16:20 DI-RECT
At two different showcases the City of The Hague presents music from a city packed with more than 1,000 musicians & bands and a rich music history. Organisms, Bombay Show Pig, WOOT and DI-RECT will be performing on Saturday afternoon at the Molotow Bar and additionally on Thursday night WOOT and DI-RECT will take the stage.