77 Bombay Street
In this case the number 77 has nothing to do with Punk. Neither the looks nor the sound provide traces of a possible Punk influence. 77 Bombay Street is simply an address in Adeleide, Australia. The family Buchli used to live here for two years. The time abroad was so significant for their musical development that the four brothers Matt, Esra, Joe and Simri decided to use it as their band name. Hailing from Switzerland, they must have listened closely to the sounds of The Beatles and countless Folk bands. The outcome is Folk-Pop in which POP is the main ingredient. 77 Bombay Street seem to hit the nail’s head with their sing-along songs and are being played on heavy rotation on radio stations across Europe from Italy to the Netherlands. The same is probably going to happen in Germany when they release their debut album “Up In The Sky” in autumn. To find out if the brothers who are dressed in St. Pepper revival uniforms wear Punk rags underneath, you have to come and see for yourself at their much-anticipated Hamburg live debut.