
Karin Park

Karin Park

Electro / DJs / Pop / Showcase /
Djura, Sweden
  • Festival Tag 1
  • 23:30 – 00:30  (20.09.2012)
  • Prinzenbar
  • Festival Tag 1
  • 20:00 – 20:45  (20.09.2012)
  • Planet Pauli

When a tiger dreams, brutal images might cross his mind. Wild animals speeding across the battlefield of nature. “I am a hunter in the dark, always hungry” sings Karin Park in “Tiger Dreams”. The song could also serve as a metaphor for the typical hunting game of the sexes in nightclubs. On her new album “Highwire Poetry” the Swedish-born singer designs an intensive Dubstep based Synthie-Pop-Sound. The dramatic waves are reminiscent of Fever Ray and the live performances evoke a young Björk. Karin Park lives in Oslo as well as in the 400-souls-village of Djura where she was brought up and now lives in a church. She was raised strictly religious and was even taught at a Japanese missionary school for three years. So it doesn’t surprise that Karin Park likes to flirt with Goth-Pop on “Highwire Poetry”. But different to similar bands, she combines her creations with a very strong electronic side. Dark topics turn into bright Pop melodies. Whether you dance as powerful as a tiger or as scared as its prey is up to you.

Sounds like:
Fever Ray, Björk, Bat For Lashes
