The name Honig (English: honey) inspires a lot of word play. For instance: the sound flows down your ear like... Oh no, we better stop. It’s way to sticky to play around with it and in the end we might not be able to hear anything because our ears got covered. And that, my friends, would be a letdown because the music Stefan Honig produces is sheer incredible. Hailing from Dusseldorf, Stefan works as a kindergartener. In his leisure time he must have listened to a lot of songwriters. His debut album “Empty Orchestra” will be released this autumn.
The songs demonstrate a harmonious interplay between a playful, yet cautious beauty and soft arrangements. It sounds like a whole band is behind all of this, but it is really just one songwriter. So it doesn’t come as a surprise that Honig won’t play his show at the Reeperbahn Festival alone. This is going to be a (bitter) sweet joy! Honig will perform at the Grand Hotel van Cleef label evening.