Yes, this is German Volksmusik. And yes, these are electronic beats you're hearing. And again, yes, that's Rap. Got it? No? Well, here's the explanation: The band Kellerkommando comes from the German city Bamberg. Lead by the music ethnologist David Saam this seven-piece has made it its mission to find a modern sound for regional Folk songs. The resulting music mix gives us two things: fun and the best dance tunes ever. The six musicians are all professional experts - they studied their instruments. Rapper Ali A$, however, joined the band from Munich and delivers the non-dialect German lyrics. A fast brass section, the snappy accordion and last but not least the witty, even bawdy lyrics make Kellerkommando a fantastic live band. It's an event where young and old meet. Their EP has been released, the album is currently being produced. Tradition and avant-garde? If it's Kellerkommando: bring it on!