The Danish Indie-Electro visionaries behind Veto have changed: from a sound that was perfectly structured and musically somewhat static, danceable and forward to a more creatively-approached, collectively-created sound. The band has loosened up and presents a challenging piece of music with their third album “Everything is Amplified”. They almost sound as if Bloc Party would have progressed into a more mature phase. The lyrics from singer Troels Abrahamsen deal with societal issues; ‘So what the fuck are we supposed to do’ they repeatedly sing in Popular Concussion. The tracks encourage the listener to stop for a moment in this restless world and listen to everyone else instead. According to Abrahamsen our democratic principles are in danger if keep on voicing our own opinions instead of listening to others. But don’t worry, the front man isn’t the new Bono. Primarily, Veto make incredibly intense songs. No objection.