
Olli Schulz

Olli Schulz

Singer-Songwriter / Indie-Pop /
Hamburg, Germany

“Super cheap chords, but – straight from the heart!” That’s how Olli introduces his songs. Of course, it’s a joke, at least half of it. Simple stunts aren’t enough to built such a faithful fan community. All of his albums are an integral party of every German student’s kitchen. Drinking beer together, smoking cigarettes and laughing about the funny, personal lines until you realise there is a masterful seriousness, comparable to the great tragic comedies. Olli Schulz makes fantastic music. His live shows have to be experienced: his music is so much more than just fun or big stories or understatement, irony or cleverness or pure love - no, it’s everything TOGETHER!

Sounds like:
Tomte, Bruce Springsteen, Dittsche