
Dial M For Murder!

Dial M For Murder!

Indie-Rock / Showcase / Post-Punk / New Wave /
Stockholm, Sweden
  • Festival Tag 1
  • 18:00 – 18:45  (20.09.2012)
  • Planet Pauli

“Oh No!” is still one of THE Indie dancefloor hymns. Although it got fairly quiet around the Swedish duo Dial M for Murder!, we still haven’t forgotten about them. Last summer the guys shared some songs of their hopefully soon to be released second record over the internet. It still is the same dark atmosphere paired with this voice that you can’t possibly forget. “The soundtrack for that gritty black and white film that will haunt you!” wrote notes in 2009 and yes, it still describes their music quite well. Of course, the singer’s voice is reminiscent of Interpol’s frontman Paul Banks but that’s about the only thing the two have in common. What makes the Dial M For Murder! so special is their raw power which is the essence of this rough diamond. Without it’s edges it would just be one of many. They maintain this imperfect perfection, so they will never drown in the back of our heads. It’s about time to catapult them back onto the top of the dusty piles in our minds!

Sounds like:
Interpol, Joy Division, Ladytron

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