Frau Potz
Frau Potz – declines with thanks! That is the working title of Frau Potz’s first album. These punks are from the north of Germany and have scored a lot of sympathy with their statement. You gotta listen to their longplayer to get how serious they are about declining with thanks. This is real, raw and loud Punk-Rock we’re talking about! Shouter Felix has a real snotty voice and the lyrics are like a slap across the face, no sugarcoating to be expected! This band wants your full attention, especially live on stage! Even though we do see a few parallels to German band Turbostaaat, still Frau Potz does have their very own style. They are a personified guide to self determination – and they decline with thanks! No need to say that we do the very opposite which is honour their performance at the Reeperbahn Festival 2012!