Johann Van Der Smut
Johann van der Smut is a Dutch singer-songwriter or a Belgian stuntman or, well, maybe both. But most of all, Johann van der Smut is a trinity of three young men with a lot of anger in their system.
They scream their soft paroles with the emotions of a singer-songwriter and the energetic violence of a stuntman. Their soon to be released debut single “23 Grad” is a celebration of the moment, a dedication to life itself. Timm, Max and Hannes named their band after an Austin Powers' character. Anyway, on stage they manage to celebrate the beauty of the moment, too: "We come on stage, play a 45 minute power set and leave the stage completely exhausted", says Max and carries on, "we give what we can". And let me tell you: that’s a LOT!! Their songs are somewhere between Punk, Indie and dancing Pop. They echo in your head and vibrate in your legs.