


Rock / Showcase / Blues / Indie-Rock /
The Hague, Netherlands
  • Festival Tag 3
  • 15:40 – 16:15  (22.09.2012)
  • Molotow Bar
  • Festival Tag 1
  • 20:00 – 20:45  (20.09.2012)
  • HeadCRASH

Hendrix songs. That was the reason why Tobias Wolring, Thijs van Teijlingen and Sebastiaan Simoen got together a couple of years ago. The Blues, the Soul, the smoky Rock'n'Roll are the trio's passions. They sound like dirty Southern Rock or British drug extravaganzas of the 70s. A band like that can't hide for long: Woot won the coolest newcomer band award in the Netherlands and played at SXSW in Austin, Texas. Coolness can't be taught - either you have it or you don't. The answer is obvious: Woot are cooler than cool. Well done!

Sounds like:
Cream, The Doors, Led Zeppelin