
Hillary Sargeant

Hillary Sargeant

Soul / Showcase / Pop / Other /
Tel Aviv, Israel
  • Festival Tag 3
  • 23:40 – 00:20  (22.09.2012)
  • Kaiserkeller

This woman has magic powers. Hillary Seargeant, voice, composer and mastermind of Fanga, is a shaman of music. Her lyrics and melodies sound as wise as native American rituals but still so modern known DJs use them for remixes. The singer was discovered in Trinidad Tobago because of her amazing voice. She trained as a classical singer but soon discovered it wasn't enough. Sergeant wanted more, she wanted to see the world and experience other cultures. She started on a voyage and visited many countries on this earth ending in the formation of Fanga.

Sounds like:
Alma Afrobeat Ensemble, Mardis Gras Big Band, Peter Gabriel