


Electro / DJs / Techno / House / Dance /
, Germany
  • Festival Tag 3
  • 01:00 – 02:05  (22.09.2012)
  • Neidklub

Fukkk Offf a.k.a. Bastian Heerhorst was raised in Hamburg. A couple of years ago he started blasting out his electronic supersound in clubs. People like him coined the term "Hamburg-Electro" which is known internationally. As Fukkk Offf he has had releases on famous labels from New York to Paris. Releasing his LP "Love Me Hate Me Kiss Me Kill Me" in 2009, he has put out a couple of EP's lately. His latest hit is called simply "U R Techno". It is an amazing dance track with the right message. Apart from that he is a busy remix artist - a lot of his work is on Soundcloud, by the way. If you like the bass hitting you straight in the face, you shouldn't miss our internationally renowned local hero. After all, WE R Techno!

Sounds like:
Dirty Disco Youth, Boys Noize, Saint Pauli
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