Swim Deep
Everyone knows the 90s are en vogue again. But British band Swim Deep push the trend to worrying, yet authentic extremes in their new video “King City”: three guys with badly bleached hair riding skateboards, wearing Nirvana t-shirts and oversized jeans jackets, printing Patrick Swayze on their band merchandise and just looking like the coolest slackers ever. Swim Deep’s sound on the other hand can’t be pinned to a musical era that easily. They call it Grunge-Pop. Well, you could also say beautiful Indie-sPop melodies influenced by Surf and Chill Wave. Or you could just call them a more melancholic and darker version of Beach Fossils. Then again, Swim Deep are from Birmingham, UK and not Brooklyn, NYC which might account for their gloominess. Whatever! This band is one of the most hyped young Indie bands from the UK at the moment – deservedly so!