
Spring Offensive

Spring Offensive

Indie-Pop / Math-Rock /
Oxford, Great Britain
  • Festival Tag 2
  • 23:05 – 23:50  (21.09.2012)
  • Molotow Bar

Spring Offensive is a brave young band from Oxford who finally treads new musical paths. This is No Indie-Rock, No Indie-Pop and also No Retro. It’s all about showing what guitars and drums are capable of. The songs by Lucas Whitworth, Matt cooper, Theo Whitworth, Joe Charlett and Pelham Groom flow in all kinds of directions: A song structure as dramatic as a captivating novel, chaotic and spontaneous eruptions followed by peace and quiet, change in direction but always heading for the bigger, the larger, the perfect moment! An adventure which in some songs like “First Of Many Dreams About Monsters” can last over a quarter of an hour. In “Every Coin” Whitworth sings about wanting to devour every single coin in his wallet – a strong image brilliantly supported by impulsive drums and monotonous guitars. Spring Offensive think about their music rather than following trends.

Sounds like:
Editors, Vampire Weekend, Brand New
