
Foam Lake

Foam Lake

Indie-Rock / Showcase / Indie-Pop / Alternative /
Vancouver, Canada
  • Festival Tag 3
  • 16:45 – 17:15  (22.09.2012)
  • Hörsaal

If you have brothers you will understand that being in a band together is always a weird thing: either it is too peaceful because of everything you've shared together in the past or there is bitter rivalry. We hope that the Ross brothers can deal with the later. Judging by their wild sound there definitely seems to be enough positive tension between them. Infectious, heavy Rock meets broad synthesizer soundscapes, loud guitars and great vocals. This is finest Post-Punk mixed with Garage-Rock. It doesn't come as a surprise that their debut album "Force and Matter" changes between loud and quiet. And by the way, the four brothers Paul, Tyler, Kalen and Barrett Ross aren't newcomers. Their father's enormous record collection inspired them to play in bands like the Warbrides, The Blood LInes or Slow Down, Molasses.

Sounds like:
Band of Horses, Bloc Party, Japandroids