
Ren Harvieu

Ren Harvieu

Indie-Pop / Indie-Rock / Blues /
City Of Salford, Great Britain

She is the “Adele noir from

Manchester” states the Rolling Stone. Her voice is indeed a revelation and her

black hair and bright complexion reminiscent of England’s most successful

singer. But Ren Harvieu doesn’t need to hide behind the comparison, she has her

very own qualities. One of them is particularly beautiful: When Ren Harvieu

raises her voice, dreams turn into dramas and youth turns into a deathly

longing for unfulfilled needs. Of course, it has a lot of class. The title song

of her album “Through The Night” has more than enough of it, too: dreamy Pop

that crawls under your skin and won’t let go off you. One wants to sit alone in

a bar, make-up smeared across the face, a cigarette, whiskey and a stranger who

you follow into the night. Ren Harvieu hits the beauty within darkness with her

voice. It is a voice that reminds of smoking, a demonstration of something

deadly that celebrates life at the same time.

Sounds like:
Adele, Feist, Joni Mitchell