Boho Dancer
It's quite rare for a Danish band to receive as many positive reviews as Boho Dancer. Coming from Århus but based in Copenhagen the band's sound lies somewhere between freaky Folk and dreamy Pop. There are definite Nordic influences but you can also spot the occasional traditional American Folk element. Ida Wenøe's voice is at the centre of the songs while Asker Bjørk and Símun Mohr accompany her skilfully. It sounds naked and fragile when there are only synths and a dark bassdrum growling. After winning a contest for unsigned bands in 2011 they released their debut EP "Furry Skin" in Denmark with much critical acclaim. The album is currently being produced feverishly. The trip to Germany in September will be their first - and of course we had to invite such a strong newcomer to the Reeperbahn Festival. Be prepared for a gig where the barrier between band and audience will be blurred as everyone and everything becomes part of the music.