


Other / Other /
Berlin, Germany
  • Festival Tag 2
  • 23:45 – 00:30  (21.09.2012)
  • Terrace Hill

When Muff Potter said “Tschüss” nearly two years ago, it was an immense loss for the German-speaking Punk-Rock scene. With their complex lyrics, strong slogans and smashing guitar sounds, the band had a huge influence on German Punk. Straight after splitting up, the band’s front man Nagel travelled what felt like years through Germany and read from his published books. A break? No chance. How on earth Nagel actually found the time to form a new band - let alone produce new songs - is a question he might answer in his new book. Like his big idol Jon Bon Jovi (Just kidding!) he named his new band after himself (no kidding!). Nagel is joined by extraordinary musicians who performed with Trip Fontaine and Missouri. Their sound is still top secret but the song titles are a contrast to the simple band name, e.g. “Es ist hart zu tanzen mit einem Teufel auf dem Rücken, also schüttel ihn ab” (“It’s hard to dance with the devil on your back, so shake him off”). It seems like nothing has changed since Muff Potter but we’ll know the truth soon enough. Nagel’s comeback is one of the highlights at this year’s Reeperbahn Festival. It’s going to be loud and wild!

Sounds like:
Muff Potter, Turbostaat, Kettcar
  • Presented by: