
Epik DJ-Set

Epik DJ-Set

Electro / DJs /
Hamburg, Germany
  • Festival Tag 3
  • 04:15 – 06:00  (22.09.2012)
  • Neidklub

When the beat takes complete control over you; when everything around you is drowned in sound; when the stroboscope blinds you and you don't know where you are; when the thick fog closes around you and you have no intention of ever leaving this place as long as this music is playing - then, well, then it's probably Epik at the DJ decks. The DJ and remix artist from Hamburg is a local hero and signed to the Dance label Bitclap. His mixes and sets are quite hard - you could say rhythmical. Epik's latest track "Star Guitar" gives us a hint of what is to follow on his next album: spinning synths reminiscent of his French colleagues fused with a lot of bang! That's how we like it!

Sounds like:
Daft Punk, Justice, Fukkk Offf
  • Presented by: