
Alamo Race Track

Alamo Race Track

Folk / Indie-Pop / Singer-Songwriter / Showcase /
Amsterdam, Netherlands
  • Festival Tag 2
  • 14:30 – 15:00  (21.09.2012)
  • Molotow Bar

Until Dutch band Alamo Race Track fell in love with Folk music, they sounded like your average British guitar band. That’s nearly ten years ago and long before Fleet Foxes and Mumford & Sons. Only, these Dutchmen were somehow overlooked and never received the credit. While Mumford & Foxes were hyped, Alamo Race Track remained an insider’s tip. It’s easy to forget their Dutch roots, because of their distinctly American sound. Maybe that’s why the US critics love them. Filter firmly believes that by “combining elements of Indie, Folk and Pop, Alamo Race Track are ready to take the US by storm with their hooky goodness“. Surely something these five musicians wish to come true. They have already toured in England and were on tour in Germany earlier this year. Alamo Race Track have everything it takes to break through. Let’s hope all those folk fans out there discover this European gem soon!

Sounds like:
Fleet Foxes, Mumford & Sons, Mercury Rev
